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  1. "Tylor advanced the plausible hypothesis that mother-in-law avoidance should be highly correlated with matrilocal residence" (366)Murdock, George Peter - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior, 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study re-examines patterns of cross-sex kin relationships using new ethnographic data. The author looks specifically at cross-sex kin relationship in relation to marriage rules.

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  2. "The joking relationship tends to obtain between relatives standing in a potential sexual relationship . . . [in] maternal cross-cousin marriage, i.e., between a man and his mother's brother's daughter" (319)Brant, Charles S. - A preliminary study of cross-sexual joking relationships in primitive society, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The author analyzes the association between joking behavior and four types of instutionalized potential marriage relationships. Results show a tendency for a joking relationship to occur in all cases.

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  3. "The joking relationship tends to obtain between relatives standing in a potential sexual relationship . . . [in] paternal cross-cousing marriage, i.e., between a man and his mother's brother's daughter . . ." (319)Brant, Charles S. - A preliminary study of cross-sexual joking relationships in primitive society, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The author analyzes the association between joking behavior and four types of instutionalized potential marriage relationships. Results show a tendency for a joking relationship to occur in all cases.

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  4. ". . . marriage and extramarital relations with affinal relatives [in the same consanguineal group as Ego] are . . . prohibited" (310)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 3 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  5. "Societies in which marriage is allowed or preferred with mother's brother's daughter but forbidden or disapproved with father's sister's daughter will be societies possessing patrilineal kin groups [matrilineal societies prefer FSD marriage]" (223).Homans, George C. - Marriage, authority, and final causes: a study of unilateral cross-cousin ma..., 1962 - 2 Variables

    The authors review and provide an alternative to Levi-Strauss's theory on unilateral cross-cousin marriage. Levi-Strauss theorized that matrilateral cross-cousin marriage (males marrying their maternal uncles' daughters) occurs more than the patrilateral form because the former promotes more "roundabout" woman-giving and overall social solidarity. He also states that the form of cross-cousin marriage does not depend on kinship linearity. In contrast, the present authors hypothesize that, among societies with unilateral cross-cousin marriage, patrilineal societies will have matrilateral cross-cousin marriage and matrilineal societies will have the patrilateral form. To justify their prediction, the authors point to the close, informal relationships fostered between males and their maternal uncles in patrilineal societies and between males and their paternal aunts in matrilineal societies.

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  6. "The joking relationship tends to obtain between relatives standing in a potential sexual relationship . . . [in] the sororate, i.e., between a man and his wife's sister" (319)Brant, Charles S. - A preliminary study of cross-sexual joking relationships in primitive society, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The author analyzes the association between joking behavior and four types of instutionalized potential marriage relationships. Results show a tendency for a joking relationship to occur in all cases.

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  7. "The joking relationship tends to obtain between relatives standing in a potential sexual relationship . . . [in] the levirate, i.e., between a man and his brother's wife" (319)Brant, Charles S. - A preliminary study of cross-sexual joking relationships in primitive society, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The author analyzes the association between joking behavior and four types of instutionalized potential marriage relationships. Results show a tendency for a joking relationship to occur in all cases.

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  8. "Differences in the brother-sister relationship [avoidance-respect-joking] show a distribution linked with descent. Patrilineal societies show considerably more informality in their cross-sex sibling relations than do either matrilineal or bilateral societies" (193)Goody, Jack - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior: a comment, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the behavior between close kin and affines of the opposite sex. The authors "point to certain differences between continental areas that are related to specific social factors, including the structure of descent groups and the nature of marriage arrangements."

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  9. "[There is a] tendency of incest taboos to be associated with those relatives who are called mother, sister, or daughter" (288)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  10. "In cross-cousin relationship . . . joking is the most frequent mode of behavior. . . . Avoidance and respect are almost exclusively associated with prohibition on marriage and license is associated only with permitted marriage. . . . Joking behavior is found with both forms" (199, 201)Goody, Jack - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior: a comment, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the behavior between close kin and affines of the opposite sex. The authors "point to certain differences between continental areas that are related to specific social factors, including the structure of descent groups and the nature of marriage arrangements."

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